Song: Blue Foundation - Full Moon
Quote: "Edward Cullen is staring at you." Jessica Stanley, Twilight, Chapter 2, p.42
Word: bevouac - an encampment for the night, usually under little or no shelter.
Twilight is a very odd book, really. Today I realised that recollecting some dialogues from the book I find them extremely silly. It's okey, you may say, as they're really silly. Yes. They are. BUT! How come it never occures to me when I'm in the process of reading? Why do I almost cry when rereding all this stupid stuff about sparkling vampires and modern Cinderella?!
Sort of magic probably. I wish I knew how to do it. Anyway, Twilight is a brilliant example of escapism, isn't it?
I also adore these black-and-red covers and one day I'm going to write a separate post about Twilight OST. And my sister. And many others, tearfully happy moments which come to me when I either see this red apple or hear Carter Burwell's "Lullaby" (and about why Yiruma's "River flows in you" would have been much more suitable).